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If I could Place a Hand

(c) SatanzHYbrid666

Lucian sat up in her bed. Her long black hair fell at her shoulders and into her face. She ran a long clawed hand through her hair and scratched her head. She slid to the edge of her bed and let her feet touch the soft crimson carpet. Her talon-feet gouged the carpet as she walked over to the bathroom. Lucian’s face appeared in the mirror as she stared, eyes crystal blue, and skin paler than snow on some untold holiday night.

Down the hall, there was a sudden stirring, which caused Lucian’s mutated ears to point directly in the air. The black fur that covered them spiked, making her resemble the Egyptian Jackals that gathered at the bases of old pyramids thousands of years before her.

Lucian’s black tank top was ripped open at the right side – revealing horrendous gashes from the attack the night before. Blood stuck to her flesh, as if afraid to bleed out overnight. She hissed at herself as she looked back into the mirror. Another face appeared beside hers, more youthful and “kind looking” to the untainted eye. This creature’s similarities were the same, but yet all different.

“When did you get up?” The figure asked her. His deeply hazel eyes blazed through the mirror, into hers – into her soul. She felt his warmth all around her and sighed.

“Way too early. I wish you were here. It’s lonely all by myself.” Lucian felt a tear stream her face, as always when they talked. Watching the mirror, she saw him place a hand on her shoulder. She felt a rush of love – and hate, pulsating throughout her body. She touched his hand in the mirror – but touched her shoulder in real life. She gripped her shoulder so hard, that her hand began to tear her skin.

“What is it like over there?” She whispered, her eyes full of crystal tears.

“It’s lonely. I wish it didn’t have to be this way…you know that. It was an accident - stop blaming yourself Lucian. It wasn’t your fault. And, I still love you just as much as you loved me before then.”

“But Ziek, you know how much it burns…can’t you just come back?”

“It won’t be the same. Besides – I like this body. And when it’s your turn, you will too. Just wait and make me proud.”

Ziek’s words echoed in Lucian’s head and she biked to school all by herself. She felt his power forcing her to go faster, the wind rushing under her black cloak, which she wore to symbolize her fate. She would continue on this path, until it was her turn…

Two years before…

Lucian awoke and tugged at Ziek.

“Get up! You’ll be late for work again if you don’t!” She laughed. Ziek yawned and sat up in bed. His pale skin and messy discolored hair somehow made it to the shower. Lucian and Ziek got ready, and then headed off to school and work. Though Ziek had done everything he could for her, he was about to do something more. Little did Lucian know, he had a special surprise for her…

About seven or eight hours later Ziek and Lucian biked back home. When Lucian asked him why he was acting so strange, his reply was “what I can’t be happy?” and she would shrug and laugh again.

“Okay, you stay here. I have something great just for you.” Ziek made Lucian promise that she wasn’t going to leave the house, and when he was sure she was ready, he left and locked the door. “Don’t watch me!” He laughed. Lucian agreed and sat on the floor as instructed, and didn’t do her normal ritual of watching him cross the street to the stores. Lucian sat excited, as her golden birthday grew just a tad bit more silver.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Lucian moved. A sharp high-pitched scream and screeching tires sent her into alarm. When she looked outside – against her promise, her fate was sealed. There, down below her, several dump trucks and a semi crashed and pulled apart. She saw something particular, and her heart almost exploded.

Lucian screamed and cried as she flew down the hallway to the doors below. She let herself out of the apartment and bolted across to the accident. There, right before her – Ziek lay. His body was crumpled on the ground and his bike lay scattered under a truck or some sort. She picked his body up and stared into his eyes.

“I’m glad you broke the promise not to look…I’m sorry, I didn’t see them, I was so excited…” Ziek used the rest of his strength to kiss Lucian’s face. She cried and howled as he reached over to the ground beside them. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful blue diamond ring. “Will you…?”

“Oh…of course! You’re going to be fine…ZIEK!” Lucian howled. She took the ring from his hand and watched him die. As his final breath fell from his lungs, Lucian died too. She placed Ziek’s ring on her finger, and then placed the one from her other hand, on his. Ziek closed his eyes and died with a smile. Her heart would continue beating, but her spirit would remain defeated.

Present Time…

Lucian sat alone again, a long mirror standing up against her TV. She watched, and waited, but nobody else was in there. She waited, and waited…yet still no Ziek inside. What am I doing wrong? He’s always there! I Believe Ziek! I believe! Lucian waited some more.

Six days later the press was covering their story. The girl that died of a broken heart (after staring into a cold mirror for six long days without nutrition), the unfortunate accident that took place on her silver birthday…the trauma, the drama, and the fate that sealed them both.

Now, hundreds of days into the present, living in their house, a family dwells. No mirrors – no darkness at night. Every day a candle is burned, or a light left on, because of what happened there.

They say that if you look hard enough, if you believe, you’ll see both Lucian and Ziek, holding hands together in a mirror – smiling with their mutations, their injured corpses. Content.

Their story, whether you believable or not, will always exist in truth. Some think that they will remain as one for all of eternity. Some believe it’s a myth with accidental faults. But most believe – that the mutated girl, and the lonely boy, will always be together, better-off than when they were alive and breathing the air of the earth.

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